E05:常被拿來和MAC的209比較,刷頭比MAC209要粗一點點,比SIGMA的E10要硬一些 所以粗一點並不影響他描畫細緻線條。可以用來打亮眼頭 畫內外眼線尤其是加粗眼線的時候很是順手 眼尾加長 填補睫毛空隙.這樣一把高性價比的“209”你又怎能錯過
The E05 Eye Liner features a fine tip and tapered brush head to create clean, smooth lines every time. Use it to apply gel eye liner for a precisely perfect finish.
SigmaTech™ Fibers - Sigma Beauty's exclusive selection of high performance synthetic fibers engineered to outperform traditional animal hair. Features technologically advanced filaments with specialized tips developed to hold and deliver cream and powder products without any absorption into the bristles. Built to last, SigmaTech™ fibers are antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and will maintain its original shape and color even after multiple washes.
Ferrules - The patented 3-ring brush ferrule is made with high performance SigmaAlloy™ for durability and strength. Patent No. D718060.
Handles - Each brush handle is made from a lightweight, sustainable source of wood which receives 8 coats of paint, making them scratch resistant and guaranteed to last.